Saturday, July 4, 2009

First on our que: Kroot!

Remember that old GW Kroot Mercenaries army list? Remember how bad is sucked? Well me and Skjoldr are going to make it better! Honestly! We have only just started the project, and aim to play test it as soon as it's finished. When that is, we have no idea, since we are both lunatics!

As a heads up, we intend to feature:

- The old list's Kroot carnivor mutations
- More weapons, such as kroot long rifles
- More units, such as Kroot rangers
- A kroot special character!
- Unique special rules for Kroot armies

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. And for the record, our adjustments to the rules for kill team will also be going up around the same time as when we post the Kroot codex. We'll try our best to make kill team the fluff filled, quick and easy battle it was originally intended to be!
