Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Splitting Fire

Ever wanted to play like it was 2nd edition? Well, know you can! This rule is called Splitting Fire, and it allows you to direct your unit's fire at multiple units:

Splitting Fire:

A unit may fire at two seperate targets, but the unit MUST split the firing equally. Roll seperatly for each firing group.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! To all who were eagerly awaiting the Kroot codex, I am sorry I have not had time or patience to work on it! But I do have a treat for you!

Codex: Catachans!

It is partially done, so, I would like for you subscribers to play test it along with me, wherever you happen to live, and give me feedback!

Here it is in word format. We'll give you a PDF of the finished version later:

Codex: Catachans

-All information about the Captain can be found in the Company Command Squad section of the Imperial Guard codex-

Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken
-All information about Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken may be found in his stat line in the Imperial Guard codex, HOWEVER, Straken also has Scout, Stealth, and Move through cover, but he costs 15 extra points-

Catachan Devils (1 Sergeant and 5 Devils) – 45 points
4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 6+
Additional Devils: You may add up to 5 more Catachan Devils for +9 points each

Wargear: Las carbine or Shotgun, Laspistol, Close combat weapon, Frag & krak grenades, Flak armour

Special Rules: Scouts, Stealth, Move through cover, Stubborn

Special weapons: Up to 2 Devils may take a special weapon from the list and point values listed in the Imperial Guard codex for infantry squads, however, the sniper rifle is not an option for Catachan devils. Also, a single demo charge may be taken for +20 points.

Sergeant: the sergeant may take a bolt pistol for +2 points, or a plasma pistol for +10 points. He may also take a power fist for +15 points, or a power weapon for +10 points.

Melta bombs: the entire squad may take melta bombs for +2 points per Devil

Sly Marbo
-All the information for Sly Marbo may be found in the Guardsman Marbo stat line in the Imperial Guard codex-

Catachan Infantry Platoon

Platoon Command Squad
Lieutenant – 50 points (Includes 4 Jungle Fighters)
4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 6+
Jungle Fighter – 7 points
4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Jungle Fighter Sergeant – 7 points
4 3 3 3 1 3 2 9 6+
Special Rules: (the following apply to every model in the Platoon): Infiltrate, Stealth, Move through Cover

Officer Wargear: Laspistol and Close combat weapon, or Shotgun, Flak vest, Frag & Krak grenades
Jungle Fighter & Sergeant Wargear: Las carbine (or Laspistol & CCW for sarge), Frag grenades

Officer Options for Wargear: -same as Imperial Guard codex-
Squad Options for Wargear: - same as Imperial Guard codex, but without Sniper rifle-

0-2 Ogryn Squad
-All information about an Ogryn squad can be found in the Imperial Guard codex-

Fast Attack:
Sentinel Squadrons:
-All the information for Sentinel Squadrons can be found in their section of the Imperial Guard codex-

Heavy Support:
Leman Russ Squadron
-You may select any of the Leman Russ variants from the Imperial Guard codex, but the cap on Squadrons is two tanks, not three-

Monday, July 6, 2009

Night Fight

You remember how annoying it was to bring that Leman Russ or that Hammerhead and not be able to shoot with it just because you couldn't see your target? Well, what about muzzle flashes, the noise of marching boots and the cries of the wounded, not to mention, starlight not quite bright enough to see by but enough that it produces outlines? Me, Skjoldr, and another follower of this blog played a game last night that was entirly Night Fight, and this is how we altered it...

Night Fight:

In order to see an opponent, you must first roll 2d6 and multiply it by 3. That is the number of inches your unit can see. If the unit's target is within that range, you may fire any applicable weapons as if the night fight rules were not in effect. However, even if the target is beyond that range, you assume you can hear that target moving, or see the flash of their weapons, or something. You may fire at them, however, they are granted a 3+ cover save for being obscured by the dark. Basically, your men are just firing at noise and light, not at physical targets. It is very difficult to strike your intended target that way.

Going to ground still grants the same benefit in the Night Fight rules, so going to ground when out of sight range of your enemy means you gain a 2+ cover save.

We intend to update "Custom Codex" with several of these slight rules alterations as we go along, so that you don't get bored while we work on our codicies. Enjoy, gamers!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

First on our que: Kroot!

Remember that old GW Kroot Mercenaries army list? Remember how bad is sucked? Well me and Skjoldr are going to make it better! Honestly! We have only just started the project, and aim to play test it as soon as it's finished. When that is, we have no idea, since we are both lunatics!

As a heads up, we intend to feature:

- The old list's Kroot carnivor mutations
- More weapons, such as kroot long rifles
- More units, such as Kroot rangers
- A kroot special character!
- Unique special rules for Kroot armies

Stay tuned!


Hello all, I am BoBo, and I have been a 40k advocate for many years...sort of. I love Warhammer40,000, but there are many armies that have been removed, un-updated, and uncared for. It is my, and my associate's goal, to re-write old, abandoned codicies, such as Squats, Gene-stealer cults, and even some that have not been written, such as a heretic army. 

We plan to rewrite the rules for Kill Team, also, so stay tuned for many good updates! 

Disclaimer - GW, don't sue us please!!!

Nothing we post is official, and if you are using our rules, make sure that your opponent and game store allow the use of such rules (which they should...because we're awesome). 

Any official lingo, such as Space Marines, Cadia, Tzeentch, The God Emperor of Mankind, etcetera etcetera etecetera, is property of Games Workshop, and not us! Again, GW, we are doing this because we love your game, maybe not your prices *wink*, but your game. Don't take our money! Blarg!